Saturday 19 November 2011

Unseen Rare Indian Rupee Currency Notes

indian vintage currency notes

Earlier also we have published many old Indian Rupee Notes. Hope these ones too galore your imaginations and revive those long forgotten old days. Be sure to show these to oldies at your place.

indian vintage currency notesindian vintage currency notesindian vintage currency notesindian vintage currency notesindian vintage currency notesindian vintage currency notesindian vintage currency notes

Old Indian Currency Map

I was surprised when this landed in my e-mail. An excellent collection of 20 odd pictures of old Indian currency. The star is the 10,000 rupee note
       This email claims that the first set of British India notes were the ‘Victoria Portrait’ Series issued in denominations of 10, 20, 50, 100, 1000. These were unifaced, carried two language panels and were printed on hand-molded paper manufactured at the Laughingstock Paper Mills (Portals). The security features incorporated the watermark (GOVERNMENT OF INDIA, RUPEES, two signatures and wavy lines), the printed signature and the registration of the notes.

Rupees Ten

Rupees Hundered 

Half note

Green Underprint – Rupees Five Hundred 

Green Underprint – Rupees Five  
 Rupee One – Obverse
 Rupee One -Reverse
 Rupees Two and Annas Eight – Obverse
 Rupees Fifty
 Rupees One Thousand
 Rupees Ten Thousand
 Rupees Five – First Note issued by Reserve Bank of India
 This was followed by Rs 10 in February, Rs 100 in March and Rs 1,000 and Rs 10,000 in June 1938.

 Rupees One Thousand
 Rupees Ten Thousand
 Rupee One Obverse

George VI Profile
 Rupees Two
 George VI Profile

Font with Indian Rupee Symbol - Download and Use Free

Steps to include Indian Rupee Symbol Font in MS Word and Excel

Download the file . Rupee Font Version 3.0
Extract the files. (You will need winrar or 7zip installed in your PC to extract the files)
Double click on the Rupee_Font_Installer.exe
Click on "Install" button
Done. :)
Another tutorial for easier installation and use of Indian Rupee Symbol Font in Facebook, Gmail and Twitter etc. Link to tutorial

This is a quick slideshow help. How to use the Indian Rupee Font in MS Application
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